Comedias de Charlotte Lysès

Películas de Charlotte Lysès filtradas por género

🎭 Old france lady
Pierre, who is a Fine Arts student, and Denise, who is a chemistry student, work for a department store where, wearing wedding suits, they distribute flyers to passers-by. The store manager, Bern ...
🎭 la belle-mère, Mme Tapin
Slapstick inheritance comedy based on the confusion between twin brothers, both played by the great Raimu who also plays their father. ...
🎭 Duchess of Miremont
🎭 Gabrielle Petypon - la femme de Lucien
Dr. Lucien Petypon is usually a serious man, but, drawn by his friend Corignon, he once paints the town red at Maxim's. When he wakes up late the next morning, he finds the scantily clad Môme Cr ...