Películas de animación de Carolin Kebekus

Películas de Carolin Kebekus filtradas por género

🎭 Matilda (voice)
This is going to be the best holiday ever. Coconut The Little Dragon is thrilled about going to summer camp with his best friends Oscar and Matilda. But due to wild Water Dragons and carnivorous ...
🎭 Henne Marilyn (voice)
One day before Waldemars big birthday party, the excitement rising in Mullewapp. Waldemar may withhold the chocolate-creamy strawberry pie that is to give it to celebrate, to eat up already, but ...
🎭 Matilda (voice)
Coconut and his friend Oscar are outsiders on Dragon Island. Coconut is supposed to be a flying dragon but he can't fly and Oscar, a carnivore by nature, is a vegetarian bychoice. Together with t ...
🎭 Burgfräulein Bö (voice)
Rusty lives with his dragon Cole and faithful friend Bo in the kingdom of Scrapland, a magical world completely made of scrap-metal. With dreams of winning the great knights' tournament, Rusty ac ...