Películas dramáticas de Carmen de la Maza

Películas de Carmen de la Maza filtradas por género

🎭 Soledad
Palmira, a woman belonging to the Sevillian aristocracy, as well known for her decrepitude and hypocrisy as the rest of her population, enters into an emotional crisis when she reaches maturity. ...
🎭 Carola
Un grupo de antiguos alumnos se reúnen con motivo del vigésimo aniversario de la fundación de su colegio. Entre sus recuerdos destaca especialmente una excursión en bicicleta a la sierra de G ...
🎭 Pilar
A seventeen year old boy, the only son of a family of upper middle class, there is a night with a friend of his age. She has run away from home and he wants to stay and live with them, for in the ...