Películas de ciencia ficción de Budimir Metalnikov

Películas de Budimir Metalnikov filtradas por género

🎭 Writer
Directed by Andrei Yermash, and written by Isaac Asimov, Budimir Metalnikov, and Andrei Yermash, «Konets vechnosti» is a 1987 Science Fiction film, starring Oleg Vavilov, Vera Sotnikova, Georgi ...
🎭 Director
In the surreal aftermath to a plane crash at sea Dr. Iven an eminent scientist is the only survivor to be taken into the confidence of the alien rescuers. He learns that the world with its weapon ...
🎭 Screenplay
In the surreal aftermath to a plane crash at sea Dr. Iven an eminent scientist is the only survivor to be taken into the confidence of the alien rescuers. He learns that the world with its weapon ...