Películas dramáticas de Bruno Bruni

Películas de Bruno Bruni filtradas por género

🎭 Still Photographer
June 27, 1980: a DC–9 flying over the Tyrrhenian Sea breaks up mid-air and crashes near the Italian island of Ustica, killing all 81 people on board. The official version blames the "structural ...
🎭 Still Photographer
Young men with no future have little in the present as well. Natale is released from prison: he takes up with his friends again but none can find work. Claudio, from Palermo, gets out of juvenile ...
🎭 Still Photographer
A teacher discovers his calling. Marco relocates to Palermo from Milan and takes a job teaching in a reform school while he waits for a high school position. He tries to understand and motivate h ...
👔 Still Photographer
Andrei Gorèakov, un poeta ruso, recorre Italia en compañía de Eugenia con la intención de investigar la vida de un compositor del siglo XVI. En su viaje se encontrarán con el apocalíptico D ...
🎭 Still Photographer
Michael is the younger son of a middle-class family, a strong-willed and free-thinking fellow, who is off in some distant country fighting for a revolutionary cause. Everyone in the family writes ...
👔 Still Photographer
Nino, el guapo pescadero de Borgo, uno de los barrios más populares de Roma, acaba de salir de la cárcel. Había herido a su adversario en un duelo de honor y El Chino, un malintencionado pende ...
🎭 Still Photographer
In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescue ...