Películas históricas de Bronwen Mantel

Películas de Bronwen Mantel filtradas por género

🎭 Night Class Teacher
En junio de 1969, una serie de hechos desembocaron en violentos disturbios en el bar Stonewall Inn de Greenwich Village, frecuentado por gays y transexuales. Este fue el punto de partida de los m ...
🎭 Campbell's Mother
An American spy behind the lines during WWII serves as a Nazi propagandist, a role he cannot escape in his future life as he can never reveal his real role in the war. ...
🎭 Mrs. Dudley
Cook and Peary: The Race to the Pole is an unabashedly biased recreation of the controversy concerning the "conquering" of the North Pole. Robert E. Peary (Rod Steiger), a US Navy commander and s ...