Películas de terror de Boris Brkic

Películas de Boris Brkic filtradas por género

🎭 Hank
Una pareja de novios,ella embarazada, emprende un viaje para visitar a los padres de ella. Se detienen a pasar la noche en un motel y al día siguiente, ella se despierta sola, en un lugar extra ...
🎭 Sgt. Symons
An extinct species, the Tasmanian tiger.
A long-forgotten legend, “The Pieman” aka Alexander Pearce, who was hanged for cannibalism in 1824.
Both had a desperate need to survive; both could ...
🎭 Chief Steward
After discovering a passenger ship missing since 1962 floating adrift on the Bering Sea, salvagers claim the vessel as their own. Once they begin towing the ghost ship towards harbor, a series of ...