Películas dramáticas de Bob Marchese

Películas de Bob Marchese filtradas por género

🎭 Carlo Biotti
On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people at the Piazza Fontana national bank in Milan, Italy, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by ...
🎭 Senator
Film sobre una de las figuras más controvertidas de la política italiana, el que fuera jefe del gobierno en siete ocasiones, Giulio Andreotti. Narra las presuntas relaciones de Andreotti con la ...
🎭 Il Maresciallo
A corpulent two meters tall man goes to Turin for a fair. There, by chance, he finds the daughter of two people he knows "walking the streets". With various expedients, he convinces her to return ...
🎭 Professor Bleuler
A string of violent jewel robberies force Police Inspector Parrino to get rough with the city’s criminal scum. Things take a turn for the worse when he’s confronted with the murder of an pros ...