Comedias de Billy Parrott

Películas de Billy Parrott filtradas por género

🎭 Forest Ranger Billy
🎭 Elf
Set in a near-future world where there is no privacy, ignorance or anonymity, our private memories are recorded and crime almost ceases to exist. In trying to solve a series of unsolved murders, ...
🎭 Waiter
Two sisters, no love lives. Both end up dating the same man, and inviting him to meet the family on December 17th. He doesn’t know there are two sisters or that he committed to two different da ...
🎭 Erik
Extremely shy Lars finds it impossible to make friends or socialize. His brother and sister-in-law worry about him, so when he announces that he has a girlfriend he met on the Internet, they are ...
🎭 Hypodermic Man
The irreverent host of a political satire talk show decides to run for president and expose corruption in Washington. His stunt goes further than he expects when he actually wins the election, bu ...