Películas de terror de Benjawan Sroy-in

Películas de Benjawan Sroy-in filtradas por género

👔 Makeup Artist
Ib y Boum se hicieron una promesa de sangre en Bangkok allá por al año 1997, la mayor demostración de amistad, suicidarse juntas. Cuando Boum renuncia a esta promesa y decide vivir, el fantas ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
A story about three youngsters who are haunted by the spirit of their teen-idol friend, Joy, who died under mysterious circumstances in Last Summer. ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
Years after teacher Panor's affair with student Ta's father led to the death of his mother, Daun, other family members use black magician Dis to shift Daun's soul into Panor's body. Things go wro ...
🎭 Special Effects Makeup Artist
In a rural village in Thailand, Mak is sent to fight in a war and leaves his pregnant wife, Nak. Mak is injured and barely survives. He returns home to his doting wife and child, or so he thinks. ...
🎭 Makeup Department Head
In a rural village in Thailand, Mak is sent to fight in a war and leaves his pregnant wife, Nak. Mak is injured and barely survives. He returns home to his doting wife and child, or so he thinks. ...