Películas dramáticas de Belinda Bauer

Películas de Belinda Bauer filtradas por género

🎭 Angela Falk
A young and naive college art student becomes obsessed with assuming the identity and personality of a departed coed who used to live in her room, and in so doing causes complications that result ...
🎭 Joanna Gains
Jack Hammett is an aggressive young defence attorney on the rise up the corporate ladder. In the courtroom he's known as the "Hail Mary Kid" for his ability to win the unwinnable cases. When one ...
🎭 Dorian Gray
In this version of Oscar Wilde's tale, Dorian Gray is an actress who, desperate to become a worldwide star, makes a deal that switches her soul to her image on film, then proceeds to sleep and co ...
🎭 Katie Hurley
Alex Owens es una joven huérfana que sueña con llegar a ser bailarina. Para poder vivir y, además, pagar sus clases de baile, durante el día trabaja como soldadora y de noche bailando en un c ...
🎭 Sarah
A husband is humiliated at home and at work. He decides he has had enough of it and hires a prostitute to help him get back at his boss, wife and friends and get a lot richer in the process. ...
🎭 Yvette Malone
The younger brother of an assassinated US President is led down a rabbit hole of conspiracies and dead ends after learning of a man claiming to be the real shooter. ...