Thrillers, películas de suspense de Bart Westerlaken

Películas de Bart Westerlaken filtradas por género

🎭 Music
The Black Widow is not dead ... Drug Queen Carmen van Walraven is hiding in Canada and leads an anonymous life there. One evening a colleague is harassed and Carmen helps her. In self-defense, sh ...
🎭 Music
Young lawyer Iris discovers that she has an older, autistic half-brother Ray, who is in prison for the atrocious murder of his neighbour and her five-year-old daughter. When she meets Ray he remi ...
👔 Original Music Composer
Saar y Johan viajan a Buenos Aires, donde se enamoraron, para ver si pueden arreglar su matrimonio que se está haciendo pedazos. Pero parece que es una causa perdida. Desilusionados, esperan al ...