Películas románticas de Azri Iskandar

Películas de Azri Iskandar filtradas por género

🎭 Abah
Ahmad Nizamuddin is a handsome, smart and tough young man but he is a bit slow in his thinking. He had no purpose in life until he watched the Pencetus Ummah promo. Since then, Ahmad has cultivat ...
🎭 Iskandar
After the death of Ayu, Kasyah raised their daughter Athirah all by himself. Katherina met with Kasyah again even though she was heartbroken. When their love has gone stronger they have to go thr ...
🎭 Marsani
Mariam, a well-known dancer from Kampung Paku Laris is caught in a love triangle between the rich, powerful and handsome Marsani and the poor but kind-hearted Danial. When Mariam chooses to marry ...
🎭 Engku Leh
Haikal is a producer who faces the loss of his Caucian wife, Linda after she gave birth to their child. He travels to East Coast Malaysia in search of his identity of being a Malay. As he arrive ...
🎭 Tengku Farid
This film is about Nora, who once a factory worker had refused the proposal of Prince Faizal. Prince Farid, younger brother of Prince Faizal, felt uneasy when his brother proposal was rejected. F ...