Series de ciencia ficción & fantasía de Ayano Kuramochi

Series de Ayano Kuramochi filtradas por género

👔 Key Animation
La historia sigue a Kotone, un mago que termina trabajando en una agencia inmobiliaria en un mundo de fantasía. Kotone ayuda a varios clientes, desde un nigromante hasta un recepcionista del gre ...
🎭 Key Animation
Medium Yoh Asakura enters a battle tournament held every 500 years, competing with other shamans in a bid to become the all-powerful Shaman King. ...
🎭 Key Animation
Gabimaru reigns as the strongest and most ruthless assassin in his village. But now finds himself on death row—with only one way out: retrieve the Elixir of Life from a sinister island. Longing ...