Películas sobre crímenes Avis Bunnage

Películas de Avis Bunnage filtradas por género

🎭 Helen
Narra la vida de dos gemelos, Ronald y Reginald Kray, nacidos en Londres en 1943, que con el uso desmedido de la violencia y las amenazas, llegan a convertirse en los gángsters más importantes ...
🎭 Landlady
When Watson reads from the newspaper there have been two similar murders near Whitechapel in a few days, Sherlock Holmes' sharp deductive is immediately stimulated to start its merciless method o ...
🎭 Countess de Wett (Matron)
Rogues Jelly Knight, Scapa Flood, and Lennie the Dip leave prison expecting boss The Duke to have their stash ready to share out. Instead, Duke's girl Sara gives them the news Duke is dead and th ...