Películas románticas de Antonio Gimeno

Películas de Antonio Gimeno filtradas por género

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The Moorish general Othello is manipulated into thinking that his new wife Desdemona has been carrying on an affair with his lieutenant Michael Cassio when in reality it is all part of the scheme ...
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The young gypsy Peret and his friend Fidel are owners of an inn frequented by tourists. Peret orders the expansion of the business to a young decorator, who falls madly in love with him. Fifth fe ...
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Andalusia, Spain, 1890. The feelings of the famous Creole singer Soledad Chacón are divided between an abusive ex-lover and a new love who is willing to marry her, ignoring the fact that she kee ...
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Cristina is the perfect secretary. She helps her boss to get an important contract with an holand businessman. He goes to Madrid to get married with a spanish girl similar to Cristina, but she he ...