Películas dramáticas de Anna Lehr

Películas de Anna Lehr filtradas por género

🎭 Marina Paoli
An English naval officer and a Corsican youth have a duel, and the Corsican is killed. The young man's sister, Marina Paoli, swears vengeance on the killer. Mr. Barnes of New York, who happened t ...
🎭 Lola Forbes
🎭 Naomi
Barry Gordon, the older son of a Virginia colonel, inherits a taste for alcohol--a habit that caused his father's death. His brother, Tom, falls in love with Muriel Beekman, their guardian's daug ...
🎭 Catherine Bell
Charles Stoddard is a poor artist living with his wife and two children in Greenwich Village. Destitute after his wife dies, he is forced to sell one of his children to a childless rich woman. He ...
🎭 Mary Varenka
Anna Mirrel, a young Jewish girl in Czarist Russia, is forced to degrade herself in order to visit her father, whom she believes to be ill. She obtains a yellow passport, signifying that she is a ...
🎭 Berna
After an idyllic mountain life in Russia, Berna goes to live with her uncle in the Jewish section of Kiev, arriving just as Cossacks massacre most of the Jews in the city. Berna escapes to New Yo ...
🎭 Mrs. Brent
🎭 Mary - Doyle's wife
🎭 Marion Melton (as Anne Lehr)