Comedias de Ammaar El Sheraiey

Películas de Ammaar El Sheraiey filtradas por género

🎭 Music
Ahmed Al-Morsi Owais is a young man who has a technical diploma. A lover of poetry, he searches for a job until he eventually finds one as a conductor on electricity meters, allowing him to enter ...
🎭 Songs
The strange story of Adam who fantasizes about being the sole survivor on earth and is eternally haunted by this dream. Things change when he starts to visualize the presence of a flight attendan ...
🎭 Music
The fugitive Sayed seeks refuge with his uncle who works as a cook for a wealthy family. When the family's daughter gets divorced for the third time, the family enlist Sayed's help to marry her a ...
🎭 Music
The story revolves around a father dedicated to raising his children and harnessing all his life and power to achieve that goal, especially after the death of their mother, but the life of this f ...