Películas dramáticas de Amandine Mahieu

Películas de Amandine Mahieu filtradas por género

🎭 First Assistant Camera
One night, a woman in danger calls the police. Anna takes the call. A man is arrested. Weeks go by, the courts are looking for evidence, Aly, Anna and Dary have to deal with the echoes of that ni ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
Sidonie Perceval, an established French writer, is mourning her deceased husband. Invited to Japan for the reedition of her first book, she is welcomed by her local editor who takes her to Kyoto ...
🎭 First Assistant Camera
The club as a place of endless (im)possibilities. A man and a woman wait here together for 25 years for a mysterious, all-changing event to occur. From 1979 to 2004: from disco to techno. A love ...