Películas de acción de Alvina Kong Yan-Yin

Películas de Alvina Kong Yan-Yin filtradas por género

🎭 Mahjong house boss
🎭 Dizzy Patient
Fat es uno de los Guardianes de la Ciudad Perdida, protectores del emperador y última línea de defensa en la ciudad imperial. Pero Fat no es como sus compañeros ya que en vez de dominar las ar ...
🎭 Hooker
When 16th-century Ming guard Fong Sau-ching sets out to capture vicious rapist Feng San, both men end up falling into a glacier to be frozen in time. Thawed out by scientists over 300 years later ...
🎭 Foxy
A country boy becomes the head of a gang through the purchase of some lucky roses from an old lady. He and a singer at the gang's nightclub try to do a good deed for the old lady when her daughte ...
🎭 Stewardess
The Hong Kong super-cop must stop a group of blackmailing bombers at the same time that the villains of the first Police Story are out for revenge. ...