Musicales de Alistair Brammer

Películas de Alistair Brammer filtradas por género

🎭 Chris
The epic love story tells the tragic tale of young Vietnamese bar girl Kim, orphaned by war, who falls in love with American GI Chris — but their lives are torn apart by the fall of Saigon. ...
🎭 Self
Last seen in the West End 15 years ago, Miss Saigon has become one of the most successful musicals in history, seen by 40 million people worldwide. From the process of casting 40 actors from 18 d ...
🎭 Jean Prouvaire
This concert, recorded to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the landmark musical Les Miserables, gathers the casts of the show's 2010 original production at the Queen's Theatre, the 1985 original ...