Películas dramáticas de Alfred Karen

Películas de Alfred Karen filtradas por género

🎭 Uniformierter Würdenträger in der Loge des Polizeipräfekten
🎭 Uniformierter beim Empfang des Kaisers
Country Dr. Robert Koch is desperate: a tuberculosis epidemic is decimating the children in his district and no one is able to do anything about it. Every fourth child is already sick and the p ...
A villager is tempted by a sophisticated city woman and almost kills his wife in a boating accident. ...
🎭 Zuschauer bei Camerons letztem Auftritt
🎭 Gast bei Tripellis Gesangsvortrag
Theodor Fontane's novel about a young girl who as a teenager marries a stiff bureaucrat, has a love affair out of boredom and loneliness and has to suffer the consequences years later should be w ...
🎭 Gast beim Empfang des Kommissars
Séraphine and her mother arrive in Paris to visit the 1867 World Exhibition. In an overcrowded city they must be accommodated in separate hotels. During the night the mother, who wasn't feeling ...
🎭 Tänzer beim Ballabend