Películas históricas de Alejandro Ulloa

Películas de Alejandro Ulloa filtradas por género

👔 Director of Photography
Recrea la historia real de Corocotta, el indestructible cántabro que desafió a Roma y mantuvo en jaque durante años al ejército de Augusto. Fue tan audaz que se presentó ante el emperador pa ...
🎭 Director of Photography
The British High Command finds itself in the thick of a huge dilemma when it is realized that they have long been infiltrated by spies from a German intelligence group. This all happens during th ...
🎭 Camera Operator
Henry IV usurps the English throne, sets in motion the factious War of the Roses and now faces a rebellion led by Northumberland scion Hotspur. Henry's heir, Prince Hal, is a ne'er-do-well carous ...