Películas dramáticas de Aimo Hiltunen

Películas de Aimo Hiltunen filtradas por género

🎭 Pankinjohtaja 2
🎭 kunnanvaltuutettu
Lumberjacking is a second part of saga about young author, Kalle Päätalo. It's a story about growing up and becoming a storyteller in hard times when their father was in the forced labour camp. ...
🎭 Lampinen
It is the summer of 1941. An eastern-Finnish machine gun company receives an order to turn in their surplus equipment. The company is transferred to the front lines. The next morning the soldiers ...
🎭 Jalle
A lock factory worker Pertti would like to marry his girlfriend Verna, but fears they don't have enough money. His brother Martti is a member of a youth gang that is planning a robbery with three ...