Películas dramáticas de Abdeslam Chellaf

Películas de Abdeslam Chellaf filtradas por género

🎭 Flygande Sultanen
Dance On Thin Ice tells the story of Felix, a twelve-year-old boy who is left to spend Christmas alone while his parents travel to India. A reluctant Felix ends up as an ice cream seller at a des ...
🎭 Skog
Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872) was a Finnish author who wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, "Seven Brothers/Seitsemän veljestä". Although Kivi was among the very earliest auth ...
🎭 Soittoniekka "Erkki Eräs" / "Eki Europa"
Reima Elo ends up trying to commit suicide when he is abandoned by his wife Molla. He is also the village's laughing stock due to his communism. At a critical moment, a Lenin lookalike from Russi ...
🎭 Asekauppias, il commerciante di armi
🎭 Acrobat (as Langry Jr.)