Películas de misterio de Николай Кочегаров

Películas de Николай Кочегаров filtradas por género

🎭 Father Agafangel
In Middle-Age Russia, a christian preacher arrives, proposing a new order. He threatens those who take part in a pagan festival with the flames of hell. But when strange crimes start to happen, l ...
🎭 Igor Pevtsov - kapitan militsii
🎭 Thomas
While working in Afghanistan, Soviet journalist Aleksei Rusanov witnesses the spread of a strange disease. He manages to find out that the carriers of the dangerous virus are mosquitoes of a prev ...
🎭 Episodic role
Criminal investigation is investigating the case of robbery of the factory cashier. At the checkpoint of the factory of precision mechanics and optics, two criminals attack the cashier. Criminals ...