Películas familiares de Людмила Хитяева

Películas de Людмила Хитяева filtradas por género

🎭 Vasili's mother
The film is based on Sergei Narovchatov’s poem. Vassily Buslayev is an epic Russian hero who rose to defend the freedom and independence of his people. The strength and power of this son of a N ...
🎭 Queen
Schoolgirl Masha gets into the fabulous city cheerful workers, which with the help of servants and cap of invisibility inhibits the evil Korol Kropodin I. Before the townspeople finally get rid o ...
🎭 Anfisa
This fairy tale film is dedicated to the memory of the great film director Alexander Row, the founder of the genre. Once upon a time there lived a brave and kind hero named Finist the Bright Falc ...