Películas de aventuras de Владислав Дворжецкий

Películas de Владислав Дворжецкий filtradas por género

🎭 Philip II
Based on the novel by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their Adventures Heroical, Joyous and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere." First part: ...
🎭 Captain Nemo
For several years as a terrible sea monster drowns ships of the Navy. In a small number of ships that managed to survive, in the sides were found huge holes triangular shape. Now any exit to the ...
🎭 Aleksandr Ilyin
A group of people setting out to find a previously assumed land and upon reaching it, not knowing how to deal with the customs of the place, have to deal with all the consequences. ...