Películas de misterio de 小林稔侍

Películas de 小林稔侍 filtradas por género

🎭 Hiroshi Torimori
At a certain park, there is a mysterious man, who has red eyes and a black suit, that people can go to and request him to kill someone. His assassinations can never be blamed on him because he ta ...
🎭 Yunoshin Yabuhara
Attorney Asabuki Riyako goes to Ginza with her husband Kunio, where she almost has her handbag taken by a young boy. The youth had been involved in a murder case six years earlier. Yabuhara, the ...
🎭 Prosecutor Munakata
A war widow determined to clear the name of her disgraced husband, who was court-martialed for desertion and executed. Official records have been destroyed, and the ministry that distributes bene ...