Películas de terror de 仲代達矢

Películas de 仲代達矢 filtradas por género

🎭 Sahei Inugami
Inugami Sahei, who built up the wealth of the Inugami Clan, passes away, leaving a will with Furudate, his legal adviser, for his daughters Matsuko, Takeko and Umeko, all of whom have different m ...
🎭 Daishu
Based on the popular Japanese series of novels, The Wicked City is about a futuristic Hong Kong on the verge of a take over by the Reptoids—ruthless monsters disguised as humans. They work amon ...
🎭 Tamiya Iemon
🎭 Minokichi (segment "The Woman of the Snow")
Taking its title from an archaic Japanese word meaning "ghost story," this anthology adapts four folk tales. A penniless samurai marries for money with tragic results. A man stranded in a blizzar ...