Películas dramáticas de Елена Шевченко

Películas de Елена Шевченко filtradas por género

🎭 Godunov's wife
Our eternal theme is crime and punishment. In Boris Godunov, the problems of conscience and existential choice are linked to the history of the country. Pushkin says that these things are woven i ...
🎭 Vera Volina
A single mother Vera Volina has an adult daughter. Masha is 15 years old, and she is of interest to men. Mother is aware of this, that's why she is jealous of her young lover Sergei. On the backg ...
🎭 секретарша
The first Russian emo-movie, Closed Spaces is a story about the newest generation of Russians. Having grown up in Russia's crazy 1990s, an era filled with constant and drastic change, these teena ...
🎭 Наташа
When you love, your life changes beyond recognition. When you are loved, you may not even suspect it. But if your life turns into a continuous nightmare, if every minute you are waiting for news ...
🎭 Marina-Larisa