Películas románticas de Нуржуман Ихтымбаев

Películas de Нуржуман Ихтымбаев filtradas por género

🎭 Kaltay
In the center of the plot are three friends, three old men who swore in the name of the happiness of their friend Kaltay to marry him, no matter what. They do not suspect that soon they will have ...
🎭 геолог
Kariev cannot defend his PhD thesis because he does not have the necessary theoretical basis for his idea. Young geologists - Kurov, Mukhamedov and Saraev, who worked in the geological party unde ...
🎭 Karatayev
A young boxer named Kuat, who is brought up in the ring by a wise and demanding trainer, achieves considerable success and becomes a good athlete. He finds his happiness in great love... ...