Películas históricas de Нуржуман Ихтымбаев

Películas de Нуржуман Ихтымбаев filtradas por género

🎭 отец Султана в старости
The story of a boy whose childhood fell on the difficult war and post-war years. The film will tell about the formation of personality, character, attitude of the child, about the first disappoin ...
🎭 Нуржуман
Follows the present and past, and in a surreal environment where the motifs of Kazakov’s stories intersect. The hero can easily meet with Stalin or drink vodka with a homeless person in the bas ...
1918. "I don't know," he said. Commissar Tokhtar Baitenov leads a detachment of Chekists, which is not numerous. The story of the film unfolds quickly, it is a typical "Ostern" — an oriental ac ...