Películas de acción de Станислав Коренев

Películas de Станислав Коренев filtradas por género

🎭 captain 1st rank
During the final months of the World War II, a group of special forces sailors, under the command of Lieutenant Balandin, receives a secret order of special importance to destroy enemy tankers, s ...
🎭 Major General of Aviation
Film will be based on the female flying unit that fought in the Battle of Moscow. They were dubbed "Night Witches" by the frightened German soldiers because of the deadly stealth of their light p ...
🎭 officer in the billiard room
The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. ...
🎭 telegrapher
1919 year. There is a civil war in Siberia. Taking advantage of the complete confusion, Admiral Kolchak wants to export part of the country's gold reserves abroad. At the very last moment the Bol ...