Musicales de Пётр Щербаков

Películas de Пётр Щербаков filtradas por género

🎭 Administrator
A young romantic loves step dance but there is only one person who knows this forgotten art. Beglov was a step dance super star back in 50s but as step became unpopular he lost everything. He hat ...
🎭 Ivan Bavurin
A music student is expeled from school because he loves jazz, a kind of music that represents the US capitalism. He hires two street musicians to form a dixie band, and goes from one city to anot ...
🎭 Belkin
Southern seaside town. High school students Olya and Mitya met at sports classes, made friends. Suddenly the girl's mother dies and Olga, left in the care of a semi-literate aunt, decides to leav ...