Filmografía de Στέλιος Καυκαρίδης como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Στέλιος Καυκαρίδης

🎭 Πρόεδρος Κ.Δ.
English satellites who conduct research from space discover large oil deposit in the area of tho Old Mines in Cyprus. A big part of the area belongs to C... (he has bought it from his Turkish Cyp ...
🎭 Aristeidis
Summer at Cyprus seems at first like a gift for Alexandra (Maria Kitsou) and Orestes (Hristodoulos Martas), who travel from Athens to spend the season with Orestes' parents at their seaside resid ...
🎭 Hasaboulis
After ten years of prison, Chasampoulis, protector of the poor and underprivileged, escapes with a single goal. To punish the good friends who betrayed him. Meets with his brothers who are in the ...