Series de humor 夏帆

Series de 夏帆 filtradas por género

🎭 Miyuki Hirano
In Notsu, Oita Prefecture, there are many people with supernatural powers. High school student Yoshio Kamogawa (Shota Sometani) is one of them and can read other people's minds. Yoshio uses his p ...
🎭 Yuki
Saburo is a high school student good in sports, but not very good with his studies. One day, Saburo travels back in time and arrives in the Sengoku period of 1549. There, Saburo meets Nobunaga Od ...
🎭 Tomomi Sagawa(佐々川 知美)
Hinako is the executive assistant to the CEO of Relation Gate, a startup company growing at breakneck speed.

Apt to listen to his gut feelings, her boss bombards her day in and day out with tall ...
🎭 Mari Akutagawa
Satoru Matsudo moves to Tokyo in hopes of becoming an actor. He has trouble breaking into the industry, but his luck begins to change when he finds an airplane ticket belonging to a talent agency ...