Películas de acción de Денис Никифоров

Películas de Денис Никифоров filtradas por género

🎭 Tarasov, captain of the Marine Corps
Un grupo de elite ruso comandados por el mariscal Shaposhnikov tiene que liberar un metanero ruso que ha sido secuestrado por un grupo de piratas somalíes. Uno de los marineros, Alex Ezhov, en p ...
🎭 Артем Колчин
Champion boxer Artyom Kolchin climbed all conceivable heights and became a national hero. He does not enter the boxing ring any more, rather choosing a coaching job and wild high life, including ...
Nurse Tatyana lives in a quiet provincial town. Everything seems to be going well with her: there is a good job at the hospital and friends who are ready to support at any moment. And then a heal ...
The main character of the film is a young playboy Pavel Makarov. Waking up after another party, he finds a strange girl next to him, who seriously offers to marry her, but is refused. The daughte ...
🎭 Артем Колчин
When Artem Kolchin, Denis Nikiforov, arrives in the U.S. to fight for the championship, he soon finds himself fighting for his life after he sends a young, aggressive boxer, who provokes him into ...
🎭 Артем Колчин
Artem Kolchin was one of many, but he wanted glory. And he has chosen the way: he became the boxer. Now Artem the applicant for a champion title, fighter, known worldwide as Great White Hope. But ...