Filmografía de Александр Филатов como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Александр Филатов

March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. What both superpowers aim for in this race, is to be the first to have a man walk in outer spac ...
🎭 MiG-15 pilot # 2
En los años 60, durante la Guerra Fría y la carrera espacial entre la URSS y los Estados Unidos. Los soviéticos planean enviar a un hombre al espacio. El piloto militar Pavel Belyayev y Alexey ...
🎭 Grandfather's Friend
The film is based on the story of Anatoly Kurchatkin "House of Women". A tragicomedy about four women of three generations who lives in a tiny Moscow apartment: a sick grandmother, constantly re ...