Series de ciencia ficción & fantasía de 성혁

Series de 성혁 filtradas por género

🎭 Jang Yihyeon
A woman prepares for her remarriage to the perfect man, a second generation chaebol, but in the midst of those proceedings, she realizes that her divorce from her ex was never legally finalized. ...
🎭 General Winter (Dong Janggoon)
A story about the life of a mother and her two daughters; a real daughter and an adopted daughter whose fates are twisted and lives change due to the real daughter and the adopted daughter have b ...
🎭 Min-sook
Dongsoo lleva una vida solitaria, haciendo música y subiéndola a internet. Una vida normal que da un vuelco cuando lo secuestran unos traficantes de órganos, que le quitan un ojo. Poco despué ...