Películas románticas de Олег Акулич

Películas de Олег Акулич filtradas por género

A merry New Year's comedy about how two opposites met and, contrary to their nature, fell in love with each other. And it was like this: a non-poor owner of a factory for the production of New Y ...
🎭 Owner of the Barbershop
Lyubanya, a hairdresser who has lost her job, and her eleven-year-old son find themselves in a difficult situation. She tries to borrow money from his girlfriend Simkina. She agrees to help, but ...
🎭 дальнобойщик
The end of the fifties. A brave general, a confirmed bachelor and a desperate womanizer Anton Smybabov receives an order to get married within two weeks - otherwise he faces dismissal from the ar ...