Películas de animación de 役所広司

Películas de 役所広司 filtradas por género

🎭 Sōsaku Kobayashi (voice)
This engaging series of childhood recollections tells of an unconventional school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. The school had old railroad cars ...
🎭 Suzu's Father (voice)
En la vida real, Suzu es una adolescente acomplejada atrapada en su pequeño pueblo de montaña con su padre. Pero en el mundo virtual de 'U', Suzu se convierte en Belle, un icono musical con má ...
🎭 Grandfather (voice)
Unhappy after his new baby sister displaces him, four-year-old Kun begins meeting people and pets from his family's history in their unique house in order to help him become the big brother he wa ...
🎭 Kumatetsu (voice)
Kyuta, a boy living in Shibuya, and Kumatetsu, a lonesome beast from Jutengai, an imaginary world. One day, Kyuta forays into the imaginary world and, as he's looking for his way back, meets Kuma ...
🎭 Young soldier
A young queen requests a bouquet of snowdrop flowers for New Year's Day in exchange for a reward. One greedy woman sends her stepdaughter, whom she does not like, to look for the flowers in a col ...