Comedias de 高橋歩

Películas de 高橋歩 filtradas por género

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Four years after the events of SHIROBAKO the series, Musashino Animation has gone through unprecedented changes and things are looking bleak for the studio. One day, Aoi Miyamori is offered a rol ...
👔 Editor
El anime tiene lugar en el moderno Kioto. Kumi es una estudiante universitaria que se muda a Kioto para hacerse cargo de la tienda de golosinas heredada de su abuela. Se suponía que la casa que ...
🎭 Editor
Cocoa visits her family, in the mountains, after quite some time again after her sister Mocha wrote her, through a letter, to come back soon. Her friends will have to spend a week in the town wit ...
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A young girl named Kiki must leave her home for a year to begin training in witchcraft. She leaves on her broom, but first says goodbye to her friends and family. Kiki then begins her new life wi ...
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While sorting through a mess of books in the staff room, Ohana happens upon one of Denroku's log books from long ago. Within it, it recounts a story of Ohana's mom when she was the same age as he ...