Películas de terror de 中条あやみ

Películas de 中条あやみ filtradas por género

🎭 Kurumi Ogasawara
Utopia was a tower of hope, but it was a tower of despair created by human desires. In Utopia, they were researching the only way to save this world: a vaccine against the monster called Golem. O ...
🎭 Kanon
The year is 2XXX and Keiko Town is an over-industrialized stretch of blackened factories pumping out thick layers of smoke that cast it in a perpetual state of semi-darkness. The citizens of Keik ...
🎭 Iida Mami
For this 16th Anniversary Special, Inagaki Goro is our host once again for 6 spooky tales based on tales from real people and performed here by an all-star cast. A young man who returns to his fa ...
🎭 Aya Tsukimori
High school student Aya Tsukimori becomes cursed and is unable to leave her school dormitory. Meanwhile, many students begin reporting ghost sightings at the school, while others go missing and a ...