Series de humor 野沢那智

Series de 野沢那智 filtradas por género

🎭 Taxi Driver's Ghost (voice)
When nearby construction disturbs a spiritual resting place, its disgruntled denizens do what any supernatural beings would do after a rude awakening: they terrorize the local school. And that me ...
🎭 Dr. Mashirito (voice)
Dr. Slump narra las aventuras del profesor Sembei Norimaki y de su creación, un robot humanoide con forma de niña de 13 años llamada Arale Norimaki, quien carece de sentido común y cuenta con ...
🎭 Hanada Tokujirou
Hanada Shōnen Shi is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Isshiki about a mischievous young boy, called Hanada Ichiro, who attains the ability to see and talk to the superna ...
🎭 Yusaku Kurokawa (voice)
Kintarō Yajima used to be the leader of a feared and respected biker gang, but out of respect for his late wife he chooses to straighten himself out and work as a salaryman so that he can suppor ...