Películas de acción de Ефим Копелян

Películas de Ефим Копелян filtradas por género

A plane bound for Africa ends up in the hands of hired killers. Their goal is to prevent the Soviet doctor from getting to Lega, where he is to operate on the leader of the liberation movement. ...
🎭 Bobruisky-Dumbadze
Based on the events that took place in Odessa in 1910, when, on the instructions of the Foreign Bureau of the RSDLP, a prominent Bolshevik underground worker arrived in the city under the guise o ...
🎭 Менжинский
🎭 ataman Burnash
The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. ...
🎭 Ataman Burmash
Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an int ...
🎭 коммивояжёр-фармацевт
Transatlantic flight 713 is in trouble because the pilot and crew are poisoned while flying above the ocean. Now the passengers have to take control to save their lives. ...
🎭 Chief of the Border Post