Películas de terror de 東出昌大

Películas de 東出昌大 filtradas por género

🎭 Tsukuru Mishima
10 years has passed since the confrontation between Kira and L. Again, Shinigami sends death notes to the ground and due to this, the world soon falls into chaos. Tsukuru is a member of the Death ...
🎭 Nogami
Un policía retirado vuelve a investigar cuando un ex-colega le pide ayuda para resolver el caso de la desaparición de una familia, ocurrida 6 años antes. Mientras, el policía y su mujer se ha ...
🎭 Shimada Hideo
Alien pods come to Earth and, naturally, start taking over Human Hosts. One such pod only manages to take over one human's, Shin Izumi, right arm. Together they grow and co-exist, all the while t ...
🎭 Shimada Hideo
Alien pods come to Earth and, naturally, start taking over Human Hosts. One such pod only manages to take over one human's, Shin Izumi, right arm. Together they grow and co-exist, all the while t ...