Películas dramáticas de 吴刚

Películas de 吴刚 filtradas por género

🎭 Deputy Director Yang
🎭 Yuan Weimin
🎭 Brother Qiang
Sang Yu is so exhausted from trying to stay awake. Every time he closes his eyes, a demon chases and kills him in his dreams. One night Sang realizes he has a special power: he can bring treasure ...
🎭 Butler Liu Kun Shan
🎭 Mr. Six
1942, Nanjing (Nanking). Tras una serie de intentos de asesinato contra oficiales del Gobierno controlado por Japón, el jefe de inteligencia nipón reúne a un grupo de sospechosos en una mansi ...
🎭 Wen Yiduo
The tale of one man who fought against the tyranny of a ruler and led his people in battle in the ultimate sacrifice for his country. ...
🎭 王进喜
🎭 Ye Guangzhong