Películas históricas de Пётр Глебов

Películas de Пётр Глебов filtradas por género

Don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev says goodbye to his wife and children and goes to run. The elder Filaret blesses him to lead a rebellion under the name of Peter III of Russia. The insurgents dealt w ...
🎭 Nikolay Karayev
A young Komsomol member Vitaly Bonivur is fighting for Soviet power in the Far East and Primorye. Red underground workers are not the first day want to arrange an escape of their fellow prisoners ...
The movie is based on the the same name novel of the Nobel Prize In Literature Winner Mikhail Sholokhov. The action is taken place in 20-30-s years of the XX century in the Russian countryside go ...
🎭 Grigoriy
Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the ...