Comedias de Геннадий Юхтин

Películas de Геннадий Юхтин filtradas por género

🎭 Kudryashov-Zarasaisky
What should I do if life has failed? What should I do if my daughter's happiness depends on the future visit of the groom — the heir of the Spanish grandee? What should I do if the groom's fath ...
🎭 Vasily Ivanovich
Institute of Culture graduate, a young film director Konstantin Sirotkin, arrives in the village Sosnovka and in the local country club he is trying to put the Schiller's drama "Intrigue and Love ...
🎭 «Буратино»
Based on the novel of the same name by Leonid Leonov. Young Polya comes to Moscow: she wants to find her father, Professor Vikhrov, and try to understand why her mother broke up with him. Vikhro ...